Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Not Being Advertised...How the Advertising Business Has Changed Over Time

There are three words that often bothers me. I remember when " " .. When my colleagues and friends use them, I always feel like telling to change gears and think about today and tomorrow, not yesterday. They seldom met. Now, having been invited to write about how the advertising agency business has changed since I was there on a daily basis, I suppose I have to remember when " ".
If you remember when he made a channel 10 live (LIVE!) By day, (DAILY!) Network (RED!) Presents, which is probably as old as I am.
If to remember when advertising agencies relied Shops largely on Type in a quick and efficient service, probably in their forties.
If you remember when people were word processors and typists called when using so-called carbon paper, probably in his fifties. (Side effects of typewriters and carbon paper were messy erasures and blue stained with the fingers.)
And if you think FedEx, cable TV, B101, All News All The Time, Video Conferencing, and satellites have always been there, I die of envy for No age.
In the announcement of its business, the only thing that is certain is that what is true today will not be true tomorrow.
Which brings me to the agency business and some changes important that have taken place in my career-lifetime.
Whereas client / agency relationships changed the focus of emission print over many years, changes to happen now with lightening speed. For example, when he came over UHF television is great news, because in this market viewers could see six stations instead of three. Now, who can keep track of all videos available with cable and Internet access to movies and and. How can be adjusted agencies? Who knows? What we do know is that the media are facing challenges that the agencies are already causing several major changes.
First, some are not media fighting wars. Many of them are agriculture needs of the media. That means they are trusting in reality another organization to work directly with their clients. That is something that was unimaginable a few years ago.
Second, many of the larger agencies now have very robust and media divisions divisions are involved with the sales promotion, sponsorship and even some creative endeavor. Many of them feel really full service agencies if they closely.
Third study, the agency should take steps to become more aware of accountability when it comes to spending their customers. Welcome, Internet Marketing. A few years ago, many marketing people began to think about one to one marketing. Today it is becoming an absolute necessity for agencies to understand Search Engine Marketing, optimization and other terms that were virtually unknown just five years ago.
Those agencies that was based on creative ideas radio no longer have a paddle quite simple to operate. Radio AM was dominant and the change that took many years the domain FM. We now have two major factors that influence the way radio is already used by the consumer: satellite and a little phenomenon called iPod. Cost per thousand is still important, but specific, measurable results are more important. Factor that is pushing today thinking processes in agencies that require further strategic capacity, as well as a deep understanding of the way in which they merge communications from the image / brand with customers & 39; demand to see sales figures climb as direct ways to measure the return on investment. Whoever succeeds in finding the best way to turn, the users of the iPod in a demographic group that is available as " media " harvested large rewards.
Think about how the Internet advertising has changed and is changing the marketing strategy. That new media has increased by 21% in 2004. It is projected to take seven billion dollars away from traditional ad budgets in 2005. Soon, it will be " traditional ". Maybe it already is. Agencies must take a leadership role in finding the best ways of implementing the funds.
There are other important issues and what today might not have existed for agencies in the past, but they are basic factors of today, and it is likely that each increasingly important: Broadband, Customer Relationship Management, Video on demand, Paid Inclusion, Latino Media, Collaboration Extranets, streaming, high definition, and even cinemas IMAX. More and more advertisers of all sizes are trying to save money by taking responsibilities away from the routine of the agencies and within them doing. Many agency executives believe that their real value to customers is his knowledge of the company and its strategic capacity, along with its creative execution. These trends in the thinking behind the change and challenge for the agencies. Not only are there fewer employees per million dollars of billing, but there is a big difference between paying and not so well-paid agency employees.
Believe or not, there was a time when, on average, there are ten employees Millions of dollars worth of invoicing. Today it& 39;s one and a half million employees. Who knows where it is headed? One of the country& 39;s fastest growing agencies, Kalan Thaler group reports 600000000 $ billing with only 140 employees. Yes, they have to work very hard, but also must be intelligent, creative and, as they say, " vanguard ".
Why the wage gap mentioned above? Support strategic because it is difficult for customers to find and come in expensive packages. Therefore, the agency that probably has the best chance of retaining his client is the agency whose client is confident the recommendations that come from the agency. Translated, that means smarts, strategic thinking and courage at the top of the high expectations about usual effective, wonderful creative solutions. Translated further, which means expensive brains of the agency, a salary gap between brains and other people, as well as low wages well below the top thinkers. In a way, the general manager of an advertising agency is now responsible for managing the salaries in the same way major league teams to do so. They dollars in the great place where the big profits are, in short performers.
In star, the only way to see the changes in the listing of companies is almost the same as changes in other businesses. Lee Iacocco, Chrysler fame, once said, " Change or die! " That is true of our beloved ad business. Always has been. It is now. And always will be. The way to be ahead of the curve is the challenge of the current agency CEO. I suppose I am glad that they no longer have to live up to that title and those expectations. Instead, I am doing my best to provide agencies with how to get along with fewer employees and at the same time to give customers what they need and want: partnership easy, and accurate communications, However, the efficient and effective use of your most valuable asset, brain, creativity and time.
Rick Mosenkis is CEO of Trichys, tool providers intranet and extranet for online collaboration. kiara calzone

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